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Wild Flower & Co.
Wednesday, 8 August 2007
Reflections 2006-2007: My Favorite Place
Mood:  special

My favorite place is home because it is close to school and close to my friends' house to play at.  I like to go to school because that's where I learn and get smarter.

My favorite place is warm and cozy, and people are there to protect me when I get scared.  We support each other like a family should.  It's comfortable because I'm used to it being messy and untidy.  It's a happy place, where there's a lot of love in it.  It's where we have family game night and where I learn to cook.

My favorite place is home because I have my own room.  I know where everything is.  I've lived here my whole life.  I had my birthday parties here and sleepovers and friends over.  When I get sick my mom or dad will take care of me.  I fight with my brother here.  I get my shelter and food here.

This is why home is my favorite place.

Posted by happyrainbow at 12:25 PM PDT

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