
Yikes! It's been a while since I updated. This entry is mostly a Fluffy bragfest...
I probably bitched about Fluffy's soccer team in the fall, about the coach who knew nothing about soccer. Well, her team took first overall for the season, they won the Commissioner's Cup tournament, and they took first place in the area playoffs (West, South, North, Central Torrance, San Pedro & PV)! We had some good players on the team, but we still had incredible luck!
In February, I started working part-time at an agency that provides one on one therapy to autistic children. I don't work with the kids; I'm the office person. The money isn't that great, but I have an extremely flexible schedule. I've gradually taken on more and more responsibilities and I'm trying to figure out how to ask for more money, seeing as how I'm making almost $10/hr less than the previous person. I'm still looking for a copywriting/marketing job, but I don't think I'm going to find one that meets all my criteria, so this autism job is going to have to be it until I find the right job.
In the spring, Fluffy took 2nd place in literature in her school's Reflections competition. I think that got her a little jazzed about her writing ability, because lately her letters and thank you notes have been very "flowery." Her conversational style has changed, too. Sometimes it's like talking to an adult.
Fluffy also took first place in the biological category of her school's science fair competition. Her project, "Germopolis," involved swabbing various school and home surfaces and culturing them in petri dishes. Some of the results were disgusting and surprising; the school toilet seat was cleaner than the drinking fountain. Visually, her project was impressive, but what I admired more were her observations and conclusions. Her project went to the Torrance science fair and we got to see the winning projects from the other elementary, middle and high schools.
Scooter's project compared pens that claim their ink is "check-safe." He didn't win any prizes, but the results were surprising and useful in everyday life.
At some point, Scooter commented that this is Fluffy's year, "because she's winning everything!"
During Spring Break, besides the usual visit to the monster-in-law, who by the way is getting meaner and bitchier by the day (she told Fluffy, "You don't need to listen to what your mom tells you to do"), we spent a few days in Sacramento at the railroad museum, Sutter's Fort, and the state capitol.
I went on a few field trips this year. I accompanied Fluffy to the Hollywood Bowl, Banning Museum, and Olvera Street, and enjoyed Gold Rush Day at school. I volunteered at a few events at Scooter's school and got to see a little bit of Renaissance Day. I have missed so much by having to work all the time.
Fluffy got into GATE and Scooter made the honor roll every quarter.
That's all I can remember for the school year right now.