
Wow! Hard to believe Scooter is almost done with middle school and will be a high school guy in the fall. He celebrated his birthday with five friends at a video game night/sleepover. We had two TVs and two xBoxes going in the living room (thanks to Austin for bringing his xBox). The guys (Austin, Keith, Justin, Matt & Stefan) started coming over around 6:00 and played games as soon as they arrived. Dinner and breakfast were in the back yard under the EZ Up (thanks to Vickey for the folding tables). We had pizza, chinese chicken salad, spam musubis, fruit, and chips. After dinner, they all run over to the park to play hide-and-seek, and came back when some older guys in the bathroom scared them (they're still cute little boys, especially Austin). I bought a cake from Kings Haw'n, and Austin's mom sent over a coconut cream pie, and all the guys wanted pie instead of cake. At some point they watched a few movies. They all call each other "Dude."

Posted by happyrainbow
at 12:01 AM PDT