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Wild Flower & Co.
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Busy Times Ahead

Since I still don't have a full-time job, it's a challenge to find things for Fluffy that I can afford.  That's the down side.  The up side is that I can sign her up for things she never could take before.  She's got a week of tennis lessons before summer school starts.  Then it's four weeks of GATE summer school in the morning and swimming classes in the afternoon, possibly more tennis lessons, and maybe I can finally teach her how to sew!  She's going away for a weeklong camp in the mountains in August.  Then it's off to Vegas for the HDLV tournament.

Scooter on the other hand is having his foot operated on and will be on crutches for most of the summer.  Poor Scooter Bunny.

And before we know it, fall will be here and both kids will be starting new schools!

Posted by happyrainbow at 12:37 PM PDT

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