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Wild Flower & Co.
Monday, 23 August 2004
Scott always comments on how Scooter is the more sensitive of the Bunnies, while Fluffy is the wilder, meaner one (which is true).

We went to Hawaii when Scooter was five, and he couldn't get over how blue the sky and ocean were, and how clean everything was. Same thing when we went to Tahoe this past winter and he admired the blue sky and snow-covered trees, "If I could live here, that would be the life!" After this summer's trip to Hawaii, Scooter has been on this kick to move there. This weekend, he said he wants to move to Hawaii because the people are really nice and you can go to the beach, and he started weighing which is more important to him - being able to ski in California or go to the beach in Hawaii. He finally decided, "Here there's snow only part of the time, but in Hawaii there's nice people all the time." He's such a sweetie!

Posted by happyrainbow at 10:30 AM PDT

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