We were sitting around Saturday afternoon, just hanging out, and somehow we ended up watching a PBS show about cheese. Did you know there is such a thing as fudge cheese? Anyway, the host had a weird accent, kind of a cross between British and, I guess, Norwegian (since they were in Norway). Fluffy started imitating him, and she really sounded like him, talking about goat cheese, fudge cheese, "mawshing the rawsp-berries" (mashing the raspberries), and adding a "tad of vinegar." Then Scooter covered himself with a light brown blanket and pretended to be a lump of fudge cheese while Fluffy walked us through the recipe. They're nuts.
Posted by happyrainbow
at 3:37 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 30 July 2003 11:57 PM PDT