Hmm...I haven't been very good with the updates. I seem to slack off just when the most important things are happening, like the first day of school, soccer season, etc.
School started and it was kind of like no big deal. I guess for the poor kids being shuttled from one camp to another all summer long, school is just another stop along the way. Scooter has the same teacher, since he is continuing in the 4th/5th combo, and we really like her. Fluffy has a very nice 2nd grade teacher.
Boy, did we luck out! We found out that the teacher from hell, Mrs. DiVincenzo (or Bitchincenzo, as I like to call her) is back from her extended maternity leave. Maybe she'll be kinder to kids now that she has one of her own, but we really don't want to find out. She was by far the worst teacher we have ever known, insulting kids and their parents right in front of the class, refusing to let kids use to the bathroom to the point where one kid pee'd in his pants, sending kids to detention without even trying to find out what happened, and outright lying to parents.
Fluffy's class is in one of the portables way out in the boonies, at the far corner of the school yard. I hope it doesn't rain much this year, coz it's a long haul out in open to get to her classroom. Well, having a covered walkway doesn't guarantee you'll stay dry since the roofs all leak anyway. Hmm, I seem to recall last year some kids had to be rescued when it rained and the school flooded and the kids couldn't get out of the classrooms. What a great school. Gotta love that Torrance school district!
Posted by happyrainbow
at 11:44 AM PDT