[This is gross] Fluffy gets these huge balls of wax in her ears. We've had the doc remove them a few times, but this time she said first we had to try to get it out ourselves using some over-the-counter stuff. So yesterday, Guido filled Fluffy's ears with this stuff and had her walking around the house holding cotton balls in her ears. Fluffy knows how to make a really sad face, and she kept using it as she asked if she still had to keep the cotton balls there. Scooter was roaming around the house with ice on his face (from yesterday's soccer elbow). They both looked funny.
After a while Guido tossed Fluffy into the bathtub so he could flush her ears out with water. Scooter and I followed them into the bathroom with a bag of cheetohs so we could watch the show. Scooter kept saying that the water was going in one ear and coming out of the other. Guido finally threw us out of the bathroom and locked the door.
Later on Scooter was taking a bath and started screaming his head off. He got a little ball of wax in his mouth.
Posted by happyrainbow
at 12:19 PM PDT