This is why I'm insane. This is what my to-do list looks like:
Today (work):
Write copy for and/or proof BP cards for all new everyday and BTS products
Write BTS brochure copy
Write copy for Brazilian dozen boxes
Proof Retal Pricer
Look at stupid ergonomic summit program
Write and/or proof copy for new display headers
Write copy for new vendor sell sheets
Play Blockbreaker (ha ha, just checking to see if you're reading this)
Try to find desk under all this crap
Write sell sheet copy for new commercial items (a zillion of them)
Write sell sheet copy for new BP items (two zillion of them)
Write sell sheet copy for BTS items (a hundred zillion of them)
Today (other):
Take Fluffy to swim class
Cook dinner
Wash clothes & swimming towels
Fold laundry
Clean spare room for this weekend's houseguests
Vacuum house
Clean bathrooms
Clean kitchen
Wash dishes
Fill out Science Camp forms (I've only had three months to do it and they're due Monday)
Watch Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
Pay bills
Print Fluffy's bday thank you notes
Put away all those papers from summer school
Clean kids' bedroom
Go to Ralphs for cereal, fruits & yogurt
Balance checkbook
How many of those things do you think I'm really going to check off my list today?
Posted by happyrainbow
at 9:46 AM PDT