I FINALLY finished our team banner, barely in time for the game! Talk about procrastination! You know how some people say they work better under pressure? And other people will say that's a bunch of B*!!$#!*? Well...
I had three weeks to do this. The first week, I was on vacation, and there was no way I was going to waste that precious week working on a stupid soccer banner.
The second week was our big BTS meeting, and I worked late every night, so again, no way I was going to work on the banner.
I spent this last week sketching dragons and banner designs. I didn't start working with the felt until Wednesday, when I was feeling sufficiently panicked. I stayed up really late every night the rest of the week, working on the stupid thing, and drinking lots of caffeine during the day at work. But everything worked out. We had a banner in time for our first game. That's all that matters, right? Nobody needs to know I was working on it right up until I left the house that morning...
Posted by happyrainbow
at 11:35 AM PDT
Updated: Monday, 15 September 2003 11:27 PM PDT