The Year in Review
I wrote a little newsletter, printed about 80 copies, and never sent it out. So no one got to read this, except you, my three faithful readers:
Greetings from So Cal!
I think the house is still where I left it this morning, and my car hasn't floated out of the parking lot yet, so I'll assume life is still good.
Guido is building rockets and bombs at (oops, was that a secret?) and Wild Flower is still conjuring up lies and half-truths for Pen Maker. Really, in this industry, Pen Maker's claims are the most straightforward and honest because management is so paranoid about lawsuits. So buy Pen Maker instead of Sanford (Sharpie - blech!) or Pilot (Dr. Grip - boo!) and maybe I'll get raise this year!
Scooter is a fifth grader and enjoying an extended soccer season on two teams this year. He also plays basketball. And he's pretty smart, too. He's one of those guys who doesn't put in a lot of effort and makes good but not stellar grades. He'd be awesome if he had some follow-through, but considering the gene pool, we're not expecting much.
Fluffy is in the second grade and discovering that reading is a good thing, now that we've finally wised up and stopped force-feeding her all the books that Scooter read and let her choose her own girlie books instead (e.g., Lizzie McGuire - gag!).
Fluffy & Wild Flower are still doing fun stuff together in Rainbow Maidens (Indian Guides), like tie-dying T-shirts, ice skating, Christmas caroling, and camping. Whoda thought we'd actually enjoy sleeping on the ground under a thin sheet of nylon?
During spring break, Wild Flower, Scooter & Fluffy took a road trip to Gold Country. The kids were tortured with visits to museums and old mining towns, then rewarded with a tour of the Jelly Belly factory and all the spaghetti-flavored jelly beans they wanted.
Fluffy had started referring to her Hawaii grandma as "that lady in Hawaii," so we made a long-overdue trip home this summer. Scooter caught a fish and both kids learned how to make fire at the Polynesian Cultural Center. We got lost in a gigantic pineapple-shaped maze. We ate Zippy's chili and zip-paks.
After spending almost a year in a nursing home, Guido's dad finally went to that big mah jong table in the sky. It turned our holiday season a little sideways, but the Bunny Clan recovered enough to meet in Las Vegas for a post-Christmas, pre-New Year diversion. We made a detour to Hoover Dam on the drive home, just to make sure it's holding up in anticipation of the big rains.
Hope you're all happy, healthy, and enjoying life to the fullest. And if you see flames leaping out of your microwave oven, your kid might be conducting a science experiment!
Posted by happyrainbow
at 12:01 AM PST
Updated: Wednesday, 23 February 2005 2:41 PM PST