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Wild Flower & Co.
Wednesday, 2 July 2003
Friends Forever
Fluffy whispered a secret to me yesterday: She wishes we were sisters, because I'm her best friend and we'll be best friends forever!

I love Fluffy!

Posted by happyrainbow at 6:22 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 3 July 2003 9:35 AM PDT
Tuesday, 1 July 2003
A First Attempt
Yikes! I just created my very first web page last week, and here I am, creating a blog? How exciting!

Not exactly sure what I should start with...

Kids just started summer school yesterday. Scooter likes his teacher, but Fluffy said her teacher is mean (which I'm sure is not true). They both go to the Y when school lets out, just like during the school year. Poor little puppies. I guess it will be like that until I win Lotto (when, not if!).

Well, let's see how this thing looks...

Posted by happyrainbow at 1:08 PM PDT

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