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Wild Flower & Co.
Wednesday, 6 August 2003
Sunset Beach
I used to think we had the best sunsets in Hawaii. I have great photos of palm trees silhouetted against a blazing orange sky. But those were nothing compared to some of the sunsets here.

Today was awesome. I looked out the window while I was getting dinner ready, and saw huge streaks of purple, pink and orange splashed across the sky. Naturally, I had to gather Scooter and Fluffy to come look at it. Fluffy and I had this thing for a while, where everyday after work/preschool, we'd check to see if we had any "pink today" in the sky. Today was the best ever!

Posted by happyrainbow at 10:33 PM PDT
Tuesday, 5 August 2003
Plug Me In
These are some of the other songs I like to work to:

Losing My Religion - R.E.M.
Texarkana - R.E.M.
Come As You Are - Nirvana
Under the Milky Way - The Church
Here With You - C&K
Honolulu City Lights - Beamers
Lyin' Eyes - Eagles
Unforgettable - Natalie Cole
Ventura Highway - America
Sister Golden Hair - America
Right Before Your Eyes - America
I Think I Love You - The Partridge Family (I admit it, I LOVE David Cassidy)
Behind the Wall of Sleep - Smithereens

Kind of a weird selection, don't you think?

Posted by happyrainbow at 4:16 PM PDT
I Hope You Dance
Everyday when I get to work, I put a CD in the Discman, set it to repeat on a single song, put on my headphones, and get to work on the computer. I'll never get tired of listening to this one. It's what I wish for Scooter & Fluffy:

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder,
You get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger,
May you never take one single breath for granted,
GOD forbid love ever leave you empty handed,
I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean,
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens,
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.

I hope you dance....I hope you dance.

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance,
Never settle for the path of least resistance
Livin' might mean takin' chances but they're worth takin',
Lovin' might be a mistake but it's worth makin',
Don't let some hell bent heart leave you bitter,
When you come close to sellin' out reconsider,
Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.

I hope you dance....I hope you dance.
I hope you dance....I hope you dance.
(Time is a wheel in constant motion always rolling us along,
Tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder where those years have gone.)

I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean,
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens,
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.

Dance....I hope you dance.
I hope you dance....I hope you dance.
I hope you dance....I hope you dance.
(Time is a wheel in constant motion always rolling us along
Tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder where those years have gone)

Posted by happyrainbow at 3:56 PM PDT
Sunday, 3 August 2003
Typo Fever
I asked Scooter to pick up a dead fly off the floor, and he refused, claiming he didn't want to catch "Halaria" or "Typho."

Posted by happyrainbow at 2:18 PM PDT
Friday, 1 August 2003
Catch Me
Fluffy and I were at Target (spiral-bound notebooks on sale this week, 10 for a buck!) and she did this thing on the shopping cart where she stood on the bottom rack and leaned back on me while I pushed it. No hanging on, just leaning back on Mommy and totally trusting that I wouldn't let her fall. What a wonderful feeling, to have someone trust you that much. And how wonderful to be a child, to trust someone completely like that. No worries, no fears. Just lean back and know that someone will be there.

Posted by happyrainbow at 1:45 PM PDT
Summer Daze
Had to ditch work today for a couple of hours to hear the kids sing at their end-of-summer-school program. Each grade sang a song or two. The fifth graders sang, "Proud to be an American." That's the second time I've heard fifth graders sing it, and each time it made me feel so mushy. I love to hear kids sing, and to hear them sing a song like that, oh my, it just touches me big time!

Posted by happyrainbow at 1:34 PM PDT
Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
It wasn't on last night! I sat down at 9:30 just to watch that show. Those damn networks, just teasing me in an effort to get me to sign on for cable. Well, it's not working! I'm too cheap to pay for TV!

Posted by happyrainbow at 1:27 PM PDT
Thursday, 31 July 2003
Time Flies When You're Crazy
This is why I'm insane. This is what my to-do list looks like:

Today (work):
Write copy for and/or proof BP cards for all new everyday and BTS products
Write BTS brochure copy
Write copy for Brazilian dozen boxes
Proof Retal Pricer
Look at stupid ergonomic summit program
Write and/or proof copy for new display headers
Write copy for new vendor sell sheets
Play Blockbreaker (ha ha, just checking to see if you're reading this)
Try to find desk under all this crap
Write sell sheet copy for new commercial items (a zillion of them)
Write sell sheet copy for new BP items (two zillion of them)
Write sell sheet copy for BTS items (a hundred zillion of them)

Today (other):
Take Fluffy to swim class
Cook dinner
Wash clothes & swimming towels
Fold laundry
Clean spare room for this weekend's houseguests
Vacuum house
Clean bathrooms
Clean kitchen
Wash dishes
Fill out Science Camp forms (I've only had three months to do it and they're due Monday)
Watch Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
Pay bills
Print Fluffy's bday thank you notes
Put away all those papers from summer school
Clean kids' bedroom
Go to Ralphs for cereal, fruits & yogurt
Balance checkbook

How many of those things do you think I'm really going to check off my list today?

Posted by happyrainbow at 9:46 AM PDT
Toxic Spill
I am experiencing a serious brain spill tonight. I might as well go with the flow, so to speak.

Reading this really funny book right now - Me Talk Pretty One Day. David Sedaris is one funny guy. Want to read another funny, but extremely offensive, book? Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff. If you have a totally warped sense of humor, and don't mind blasphemy and a lot of vulgar stuff, you'll enjoy this book. I loved it. But then, I'm weird.

Posted by happyrainbow at 12:01 AM PDT
Wednesday, 30 July 2003
Happy Birthday Caitlin
We all went to Kid Concepts tonight to celebrate Caitlin's 6th birthday. I'd never been to a party on a week night. It was pretty mellow. The party host was a crack-up. I think the kids had a nice time, and they were exhausted when we got home at 8:30.

We heard from both kids' soccer coaches. Looks like each of them will have two practices a week. On top of that, Fluffy will have weekly basketball practice. And Scooter wants to start taking Japanese classes. Yikes! How are we going to swing all that?

Scooter has another swim meet this Saturday. Once again, I have to get up early on a weekend morning to get us to the pool by 7:15 a.m. *Yawn* I guess that'll be good practice, since starting next week I need to leave the house extra early in order to get Scooter to Science Camp in El Segundo, Fluffy to regular camp in Torrance, and me to work by 8:30. *Yawn*Yawn*

Now don't think I'm complaining. I am enjoying every bit of my children's childhood. When I signed on as a parent, I pretty much gave up all my personal time, which I don't regret one bit. I am already dreading the day when they go off on their own and don't need/want me as much anymore. My biggest complaint right now is this catch-22: in order to give them the experiences and opportunities I want them to have, I have to work; but because I work, I don't have the time to enjoy all those activities with them. Everything I do in my life has something to do with my children. I am going to be so lonely when they leave me!

BTW, Scooter no longer wants to be a scientist when he grows up. Now he wants to be a professional soccer player. I'm actually a bit relieved (although I really did like the idea of him being a scientist). He never wanted to be the typical fireman or cowboy. No, he wanted to be an engineer, then a scientist. A professional soccer player, now that seems a little more normal for a boy, know what I mean? So I told him he has to get me tickets to all his games!

Posted by happyrainbow at 11:04 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 31 July 2003 9:06 AM PDT
Good Living
A friend sent this to me this morning...

There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real!

When the door of happiness closes, another opens; but oftentimes we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us.

Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don't go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile, because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smile.

Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.

May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past; you can't go forward in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so at the end, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.

Posted by happyrainbow at 9:14 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 30 July 2003 9:17 AM PDT
Monday, 28 July 2003
Rented the movie this weekend and I think I have to add it to my list of favorites. Something is going to have to get bumped off the list to make room for this one.

I absolutely love that John Cusack. Almost as much as Andrew McCarthy. sigh... I'm not usually big on romantic comedies...okay, I guess I do like them...When Harry Met Sally, You've Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle (do you see a pattern here? Meg Ryan?) I'm always hoping that someday it will happen like that for me. That guy who makes my heart go pitter-patter. Will he travel across the continent years from now just to find me? Oh wait, I'm already married. Damn. I am such a dreamer. I am seriously going to go crazy in my old age. And while I procrastinate on just about everything in my life, this is one thing I'm starting on early!

Soulmates. Is there such a thing, and how do you know when you've found him/her? A series of coincidences might be just that - coincidences. And if I have to ask, does that mean I still haven't found mine? That guy who picks his nose and flosses his teeth in front of me, farts in bed and waves the covers over me, is that my soulmate? For better or worse. Ick.

I used to imagine having one of those TV families, where we would sit around in the evenings and play board games and talk openly about sex and relationships, and we'd all be best friends. Then I started to see that we were more like the Conors (Roseanne) than the Cleavers. Now I know we are the Bundys.

Posted by happyrainbow at 3:39 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 30 July 2003 11:49 PM PDT
The Cheese Lady
We were sitting around Saturday afternoon, just hanging out, and somehow we ended up watching a PBS show about cheese. Did you know there is such a thing as fudge cheese? Anyway, the host had a weird accent, kind of a cross between British and, I guess, Norwegian (since they were in Norway). Fluffy started imitating him, and she really sounded like him, talking about goat cheese, fudge cheese, "mawshing the rawsp-berries" (mashing the raspberries), and adding a "tad of vinegar." Then Scooter covered himself with a light brown blanket and pretended to be a lump of fudge cheese while Fluffy walked us through the recipe. They're nuts.

Posted by happyrainbow at 3:37 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 30 July 2003 11:57 PM PDT
Wednesday, 23 July 2003
Belated Weekend Update
We dumped Guido off at the airport early Friday morning and headed straight for Nordstrom. Bought some awesomely cute clothes for Fluffy (I wish I were six and my mommy bought stuff like that for me). Dropped the kids off at summer school and still made it to work on time (hawaiian time at least). Whew!

After work, Scooter had his usual swim practice, then we grabbed a quick dinner at Wahoo's, and went back to Nordstrom to get shoes for Scooter.

Dental appointments for all of us on Sat morning. Like I said, both weird kids were fighting over who got to go first.

That afternoon we went to the Kid City thing across from USC. We only spent a couple of hours there, which was okay, because it was kind of hot. Fluffy built a rocket. Both kids made slime. We saw snakes and all kinds of lizards.

From there, we headed to Little Tokyo to meet Kevin & Ryan for the tofu festival. We sampled all kinds of tofu dishes - poke tofu, curried tofu, jerk tofu, salmon-wrapped tofu, tofu jerky, tofu mochi, tofu ice cream sandwiches, tofu mousse (I think?), and green tea soy lattes. Yummy!

And what a great night for a concert! We sat outside, under the stars, and enjoyed the live music by Hiroshima. Okay, I'm lying. I really need to get out more. I didn't REALLY see any stars, just a police helicopter and a few airplanes, but those flashing lights could be mistaken for stars, right? And though the grown-ups seemed to have a nice time, the kids couldn't wait to leave. Funny how they didn't want to leave once we got to the parking lot.

We got home kind of late (don't tell Guido, or he'll yell at me) and had to get up EARLY on Sunday for Scooter's swim meet in El Segundo. I had to get up extra early to make spam musubis and pack everything up.

At the first meet, all we brought were a couple of chairs, sunscreen and a towel for Scooter. It was freaking hot out there in the sun in Carson! So THIS TIME I went prepared: a cooler filled with snacks and drinks, towels for all of us to sit on, spray water bottle with battery-powered fan, hats, shades...and the meet was INDOORS! Felt kinda stupid, you know...

Scooter did a great job. This was one of those qualifying things, and kids were getting disqualified all over the place. Scooter didn't get disqualified (which to me says at least he's swimming correctly), but he wasn't very fast. I don't know if he qualified to go on to the next meet (SCMAF). Don't tell him I said this...Yay!!! That's one less Sunday I have to get up at 5:00 to get ready!!!


Posted by happyrainbow at 3:12 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 25 July 2003 1:48 PM PDT
Happy Birthday to Fluffy
Fluffy turns six today! She's been very excited about her upcoming birthday and it's finally here! When she got up, she started teasing me, "Now what day is it today? I think it's someone's birthday! Whose birthday could it be?" And she kept saying things like, "The birthday girl is going to school," and "The birthday girl is going on a field trip." She's so funny.

She's getting all kinds of Legos and Clikits (which are also Lego products). She doesn't know how to get onto the internet yet, so I can say things like this. However, by next year, I'm sure I'll have to be very careful. She's already sneaking up on me and trying to read what I type.

Posted by happyrainbow at 2:42 PM PDT
Mine Are Weirder Than Yours
When I told Fluffy we had a dentist appointment on Sat, she said, "Yippee!!!" and danced around a bit. In the car, she and Scooter were fighting over who got to go first. Now whose kids are weird?

Actually, we have a very nice dentist and I am glad my kids aren't afraid of going to see him, but still...they're kind of weird. In a good way!

Posted by happyrainbow at 1:57 PM PDT
My Devoted Fans
Wow! I know at least one person reads this! Thanks VW!!

Posted by happyrainbow at 1:52 PM PDT
Friday, 18 July 2003
Pretty Ribbons
Scooter got FOUR ribbons from last weekend's swim meet. If I figure out how to put a link in here, I will. Otherwise, check out Bunnies & Friends.

Posted by happyrainbow at 2:11 PM PDT
Hmmm...I'm not doing a very good job of updating this thing. I keep thinking, I can do it tomorrow...

Anyway, this weekend Guido is in S.F., so Scooter, Fluffy & I are going to party, party, party! That is, if it doesn't rain. If it does, we need to make alternate plans. But for now, the plan is to go to the Nordstrom sale after work (already went at 7:00 this morning, but only got things for the kids); tomorrow we'll go to the dentist, then the tofu festival. Sunday, Scooter swims again, and after that we'll either go to another pool for some FUN swimming or to a friend's house-warming party. We'll eat junk food, sleep late, let the dishes pile up. I can always take care of it...tomorrow...

Posted by happyrainbow at 2:09 PM PDT
Monday, 14 July 2003
Saturday was a great night for a tennis exhibition. It was warm and there was a full moon and clear sky. Scooter and Fluffy actually enjoyed watching the games and were much better behaved than I was expecting. Fluffy kept score. Scooter fell asleep before it was over (exhausted from the morning's swim meet). Both kids got comp tennis racquets, so I guess it's time to take them to the tennis court.

Posted by happyrainbow at 9:04 AM PDT

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