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Wild Flower & Co.
Wednesday, 2 March 2005
Paper Rainbow
Looking back now, I have had this obsession with paper for a long time. I just didn't know it. I also have a lot more paper now, along with all the accoutrements, like pens, stickers, punches, scissors, tape, glue, how-to books, and more bins to hold all the stuff.

I never thought about it until now, but I realized that I've always enjoyed doing stuff with paper. When I was a kid, I loved making paper doll clothes. Never mind the dolls. I just wanted to design clothes. So I thought I must like clothes.

I also always loved writing. Not just writing in the sense of creating stories. I actually like the act of handwriting. When I was in elementary and middle school, my friends and I would practice and compare our handwriting. (I took a lot of grief when I mentioned that at work recently.)

A few years ago, out of boredom, I started making little notecards and paper fan pins, and eventually I sold them in stores like Papyrus and Card de A. It was nice to sit in front of the TV in the evenings and make pretty things.

Then I met Guido and who had time to make stupid cards and pins?

Then this whole scrapbooking thing started. Part of me wanted to get creative again. But I never had the time or space or money to take on something as intimidating as a scrapbook, so Scooter's and Fluffy's pictures have accumulated in boxes since 1994.

In the meantime, I'd make little birthday cards and birthday party invitations, and everyone loved them.

Yes, this is a long story, but there really is an ending. Which might really be a beginning.

Well, now this scrapbooking craze has taken on a new shape and it is called paper crafting. All of a sudden the thing that I love to do has a name!

Last week I started cutting out these little shapes and stuck them on notecards, and my co-workers loved them, and they even asked if they can buy them! I'm not sure if I want to sell them to co-workers, but I have amassed a pile of cards and I'm not sure what to do with them, besides give them away.

I pounded the pavement years ago selling my notecards and pins, and while it earned me a little extra cash, it was definitely not worth the investment. However, with the internet, I wonder if there's an easy way to get these cards out there. But I don't want to deal with legalities and taxes and copyrights and licenses. I just want to make cards.

I know hardly anyone reads this site. But if anyone wants a free card, please write to me in a comment with your address and I will mail you one.

And this is the end. Or the beginning.

The Paper Rainbow.

Posted by happyrainbow at 4:00 PM PST

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