Yesterday was Guido's birthday. The day before, while he was out pulling weeds, Scooter, Fluffy and I left a Happy Birthday song on his voice mail at work so he would be greeted first thing in the morning (he goes in at 5:30 and no one in the house was going to actually wake up and wish him a happy birthday that early).
After work Scooter had soccer practice and Guido had to coach Fluffy's softball game. So I got some cupcakes, picked up Scooter after soccer, and we raced over for the end of Fluffy's game. The team sang Happy Birthday and embarrassed Guido in exchange for chocolate cupcakes. Then we went to Coyote Cantina for dinner.
We got home just in time for the magician (Scooter) and clown (Fluffy) to give presents to Guido before they went to bed. All in all, I'd say it was a pretty good birthday considering it was such a busy day.
Scooter's birthday is in five days.
Posted by happyrainbow
at 6:53 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 6 May 2005 9:16 AM PDT