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Wild Flower & Co.
Thursday, 26 May 2005
Idol Worship
Bummer! Bo lost. I knew Carrie would win, but I'm tired of all these country singers popping up. We need more southern rockers!

Posted by happyrainbow at 9:24 AM PDT
Wednesday, 25 May 2005
Guido and I went to middle school orientation last night. Theoretically there should have been more Victor parents, but it felt like it was mostly Towers.

The principal seems like a really nice, caring, savvy guy. He lives right around the corner from us. His daughter is in the same grade as Scooter. He must have a PhD, because he is Dr. and not Mr. I sure hope he sticks around for at least the next six years, because we really deserve a change. He is the complete opposite of our current elementary principal, who is a two-faced, condescending bitch who has no clue what kids or parents want.

It doesn’t seem like the change from elementary to middle school will be too traumatic. My biggest dilemma right now is what to do about day care. There is no on-site care except for a city program that takes only 26 kids (out of a school enrollment of 700). I guess at this age they assume the kids are old enough to walk home. On top of that, I don’t think this city cares too much about working parents and the welfare of their kids.

It’s going to be hard having kids in two different schools. I really like being able to see Scooter running around playing soccer when I go to visit Fluffy’s teacher, or Fluffy and her friends hanging out on the playground when I’m there to see Scooter. And whether they admit it or not, each of them looks out for the other one. Scooter warned Fluffy about staying away from certain troublemakers; Fluffy cheered Scooter on at the jog-a-thon. I think they’ll miss each other.

Posted by happyrainbow at 12:01 AM PDT
Monday, 16 May 2005
Camp Whittle - The Last Camp
Somehow we managed to cram three moms and their daughters, sleeping bags, duffel bags and assorted junk into one Honda Odyssey, and haul it up to Big Bear for another Rainbow weekend at Camp Whittle. The ride was pleasant and didn't take too long. We arrived before dark, unloaded our junk and had dinner in "town" with Felice and Theresa from the Arapahos. That night in our cabin (which really was the deluxe lodge) we danced like maniacs to Lizzie McGuire. It was a blast.

We didn't do much the next day. Many of the activities were closed, due either to unsafe conditions or not enough support staff. All the girls climbed the rock wall. At first Fluffy didn't want to do it, but once she did it, she couldn't wait to do it again, and she scrambled up there so fast! I did it again this year, but I think I was a lot slower than last time. The guy holding the rope kept nudging me by pulling the rope to help me get up there. It was fun, but I think I need to get in better shape. I think the kids had fun doing our scavenger hunt. Only four teams participated, so we gave out pretty good prizes to each team.

Campfire was nice. We did a fun skit, recalling our Leo Carillo camping trip and The Amazing Race, and finished off with a naughty version of The Beaver Song. Everyone there transitioned to the new format, Adventure Guides, and the Cheyenne Nation is now known as South Bay Explorers. It was kind of sad, because the Indian Guides that our generation grew up with is gone, and also because the transition marked our graduation out of this level and onto the next one, which means that FLUFFY IS GROWING UP!

Overall, it was a great weekend. I'm glad that Fluffy and I get to do these things. I honestly don't remember doing a lot of fun things with my mom. I hope Fluffy feels loved, and that she will have good memories of her childhood.

Posted by happyrainbow at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Monday, 13 June 2005 4:51 PM PDT
Walnut Spring Fling
While the girls were running amuck at Camp Whittle, the boys were at soccer tournament in Walnut. This is what I heard from various parents who were there:

They lost their first game to Upland and their second game to Walnut. Their third and final game was called off midway through the game. The Chino players intentionally pushed and kicked our players, not just nudges but full-on pushing with both arms outstretched and kicking in the ankles and calves, and then laughed at them when they were on the ground, right in front of the referees. A couple of Chino players actually pushed our goalie into the goal while he was holding the ball (that’s supposed to be a red card – hands OFF the goalie), causing him to drop the ball, AND the referee gave
Chino the goal! The referees encouraged the other team’s unsportsmanlike conduct by calling fouls on us. They had already decided they wanted Chino to win (figures, lowlife hosting region, lowlife referees) and did everything they could to keep our team down. Amazingly, it was a tied score, even with injuries and unfair calls.

At some point, the tournament commissioner came over and talked to the refs, who then called the game off because the game was out of control. Not the other team, but the “game” was out of control. No forfeit, just called it off. Do you think he might have warned the other team first, or maybe pulled a red card? No, instead he let it get out of control, and then had the nerve to call it off as if it never happened, and only after the commissioner said something.

I really think Chino should have forfeited the game. We wouldn’t have made it to the final round anyway, but at least Chino wouldn’t have a chance to advance. Chino had been warned about their foul tactics in their first game of the tournament, but they were allowed to continue throughout the weekend.

I can’t believe the tournaments and referees let things get out of control. They are in charge, and they shouldn’t just say, “Oh well, there’s nothing we can do if the other team is playing dirty.” They CAN do something. They can give warnings, pull red cards, and disqualify games if necessary. Unfortunately, they want to keep it exciting. And as my kids get older, the games will get rougher and the playing will get dirtier. It’s too bad coaches like Frank Costa (Region 67, Chino) are setting examples for kids who probably really need strong, positive, male role models.

Arsenal vs. Upland 1-2
Arsenal vs. Walnut 1-2
Arsenal vs. Chino 3-3

Posted by happyrainbow at 12:01 AM PDT
Monday, 9 May 2005
8:10 a.m.
Eleven years ago a little Scooter came into this world. A sweet little boy born in the year of the dog. Playful, silly, smart, affectionate, imaginative, expressive, energetic, loyal & trustworthy. He's like a little Labrador puppy. Happy birthday, Scooter puppy!

Posted by happyrainbow at 9:26 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 10 May 2005 11:01 AM PDT
12 hours old
We threw together a quick b-day celebration for the Scooter-boy. I ran around during my lunch hour getting stuff. After work I picked up a paradise cake from Kings. Guido got KFC (I thought we were having pizza?).

When I got home, they were already eating, so I tossed some metallic confetti on the table.

Before we lit the candles and sang Happy Birthday, I pulled out some funky noisemakers and poppers and we ran around making lots of noise. Scooter was laughing so much (or maybe it was asthma), it took about 15 tries to blow out the candles.

This morning, Fluffy gave him a card she made last week (how sweet, she actually thought about his b-day the week before). Tonight he opened his presents from me, Guido & Fluffy - a Barnes & Noble gift card (for the little bookworm) and a Nintendo DS game (for the little boy). Fluffy kept calling him the birthday boy and sprinkling confetti. So cute.

A very low-key, impromptu b-day celebration, but I think he enjoyed it.

Posted by happyrainbow at 12:01 AM PDT
Mother's Day
Mother’s Day is always overshadowed by Scooter’s birthday, which is fine with me. If not for Scooter, there would be no Mother’s Day for me.

Since there were no games or meetings or practices going on, I wanted to clean house. It’s one of the rare days I’m home with nothing to do. Guido kept saying, “You should do what you want to do,” and I kept saying, “This IS what I want to do. I never have time to clean up, and I’m finally free to do it today.” He was really pissed at me. So as a compromise, we all went to see “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” in the afternoon. Those people must have been on drugs when they wrote the book and made the movie. It was WEIRD.

We went up to Pasadena to have dinner at Mi Piace. That used to be one of our favorite restaurants.

Posted by happyrainbow at 12:01 AM PDT
Wednesday, 4 May 2005
Guido's Birthday
Yesterday was Guido's birthday. The day before, while he was out pulling weeds, Scooter, Fluffy and I left a Happy Birthday song on his voice mail at work so he would be greeted first thing in the morning (he goes in at 5:30 and no one in the house was going to actually wake up and wish him a happy birthday that early).

After work Scooter had soccer practice and Guido had to coach Fluffy's softball game. So I got some cupcakes, picked up Scooter after soccer, and we raced over for the end of Fluffy's game. The team sang Happy Birthday and embarrassed Guido in exchange for chocolate cupcakes. Then we went to Coyote Cantina for dinner.

We got home just in time for the magician (Scooter) and clown (Fluffy) to give presents to Guido before they went to bed. All in all, I'd say it was a pretty good birthday considering it was such a busy day.

Scooter's birthday is in five days.

Posted by happyrainbow at 6:53 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 6 May 2005 9:16 AM PDT
Tuesday, 3 May 2005
Creme de la Creme
Region 14's U12 select boys & girls...

Posted by happyrainbow at 9:54 AM PDT
Monday, 2 May 2005
Soccer Star
Yay! I finally figured out how to add photos to my blog.

Here's my Scooter!

And here's the team:

Now I need to figure out how to make them all the same size...

Posted by happyrainbow at 4:48 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 2 May 2005 5:15 PM PDT
F.O.R. Tournament
Instead of another Scooter soccer tournament, this weekend was taken up by Fluffy's basketball tournament. Although her team played in a couple of tournaments last summer, this is the first time there was an actual scoreboard, and they played to place. We squeaked by the Dolphins and beat the Butterflies on Saturday. Sunday was against the dreaded Monarchs for first place. Their coach is pretty harsh, and the parents accept that as the price of being a winning team. (I definitely would have a problem with a coach yelling at my kids that way.) The result is that they are really good. This weekend, our girls played the best they have ever played, but the Monarchs were prepared for every scenario, such as getting up from the floor with the ball without being called for travelling. Luckily, we scored a few baskets and it wasn't a total shutout. We took second place overall for our age bracket. Pretty good, huh? The girls had a good time, which is all that matters.

I knew F.O.R. stood for Friends of Richard, but I always wondered Richard who, and why? Apparently, this guy Richard died in 1959 when he was 18 years old, and his friends and family started a sports program in his name. Kind of sad, and very impressive.

Posted by happyrainbow at 12:01 AM PDT
Monday, 25 April 2005
Cottontail Country Classic
Spent yet another weekend watching soccer. The Cottontail Country Classic was held in Diamond Bar. Arsenal began with a strong start, winning their first game 7-0 over Rancho Cucamonga. Fluffy and I got there just as they scored their sixth goal. I thought I saw John shoot the ball into the net, but there was no cheering. In fact, the coach was yelling at the boys to NOT score, to lessen the humiliation of the other team. It was comical watching them trying not to score. If that’s hard to imagine, picture this: their goalie went for a drop kick – he dropped the ball, swung his foot, and completely missed the ball.

The next game was tougher, with Arsenal winning 2-1 over Walnut. And it was downhill from there. They lost their third game 2-4 to Pacific Palisades. They did make it to the semifinals, and they got clobbered 0-5 by Diamond Bar.

I don’t know enough about soccer to know when the calls are bad, but I’ve heard more than once that the referees already know whom they want to win. Sometimes it’s hard not to believe that. I was looking at results from past tournaments. Is it just a coincidence that San Pedro took 1st place in most divisions in the tournament they hosted last year? Same for the Turkey and Hi-5 tournaments. Then there are the teams who want to win at all costs, like the Hawthorne team that got disqualified for entering non-AYSO players. I feel sorry for the rest of the players, but you have to wonder if the rest of the team was in on it. The kids all know each other; how can they NOT notice when someone who hasn’t played in their region is suddenly on their select team? That’s one thing about West Torrance – we go overboard in niceness and playing by the rules, and the kids end up being a little too polite to compete with some of the rougher, dirtier teams. But that’s okay. I like that our kids are nice.

Posted by happyrainbow at 12:01 AM PDT
Monday, 18 April 2005
Spring Tent Camp at Leo Carillo
Camped with the Cheyenne Nation at Leo Carillo State Park this weekend. The kids were on spring break all week, and Guido & I both took vacation so we could head out there early. We were the first ones from our tribe there. The Hardgroves arrived a couple of hours later, followed by the Whites and the Bennetts. The Yuengers came on Saturday.

We were at the very tip of the loop, farthest camp in from the road. The bathrooms were close by, and so was the amphitheatre where the entire nation gathered for campfire, as well as the creek.

The Coyotes hosted a family version of The Amazing Race. They had us running back and forth between camp and the beach, and up and down the beach, performing tasks and getting clues. The kids loved it, and the parents were ready to collapse. Looking back it was fun, but it was torture when we were in the midst of it.

The kids were supposed to have at least one adult with them, and Scooter’s group consisted of him, Andrew and Alex. When I told him they needed an adult, he said, “We have Andrew. He’s our adult.” And I went screaming down the beach after him, “Whaddaya mean, he’s in sixth grade, he’s just one year older than you!” And he ran off laughing. He had a good time.

The weather was great, not too cold and not too hot. During the day the kids played in the creek and tossed around nerfootballs. At night, we burned marshmallows in our fire pit. At the end of camp, Lauren & Fluffy handed out Rainbow Nerds to all the kids in the nation (and some Nerd-loving parents, too).

It was a great camp, and our last as Rainbow Maidens. I love the family tent camps. I’m sure we’ll have fun in Trailblazers, but it’s sad to see the end of this group as we know it, and sadder knowing it marks the growing up of our kids.

Posted by happyrainbow at 12:01 AM PDT
Fluffy and Scooter are a constant source of amusement to me. It probably doesn't mean anything to anyone else, but it just tickled me when Scooter was complaining about something at camp and Fluffy said to him, "You're supposed to be enjoying the Great Outdoors! It might not be great, but you're still outdoors!"

Then she started telling me about Kidland, where kids can do whatever they want and they don't have to brush their teeth. No adults are allowed, except me and Janet, because I'm nice and Thea might start to miss Janet after a while.

They really live in a totally different world from us. I want to go there.

Posted by happyrainbow at 12:01 AM PDT
Thursday, 14 April 2005
Baby Scooter
We were at home one day and Scooter came up to me and asked in a sad, little voice, "Mom, will you play with me?"

I wonder how much longer I'll hear that. It's nice to know that they need me for more than just food, clean clothes and money.

Posted by happyrainbow at 12:01 AM PDT
Monday, 11 April 2005
Founders Cup
Enjoyed another weekend of tournament soccer. This time it was the Founders Cup in San Pedro. The weather was pleasant, and the games were awesome. Scooter scored his first goal of this select season. I'm not sure if he was trying to score, but it was a sight to behold. He hooked the ball with his foot, and it lobbed over the goalie's head and right into the net. I was screaming like a maniac because "that's my kid who just scored!" I was thrilled for Scooter, not just because he scored. He looked so happy, with his teammates cheering around him, high-fiving him, and slapping him on the back. I wish he could experience that kind of joy more often. I know it was a great boost to his confidence and sense of self-worth. He's been playing better and better, but this was just the thing he needed to make him realize that he IS a good player and can score just like everyone else on the team.

Our last three games were played at the Field of Dreams. That is a nice field. No lights, but the ground is flat and grassy and there are no gopher holes or sprinkler heads (how do they keep it so green?). The view is pretty spectacular, too, considering it's San Pedro. It was a great weekend!

The team ended up in 3rd/4th place (it's weird how they figure it out):
4-0 win over Rancho Cucamonga
1-3 loss to Ontario
3-1 win over Palos Verdes (Scooter scored!)
4-2 win over Walnut in overtime (quarterfinal)
1-4 loss to North Torrance (semifinal)
2nd place in pool play, 3rd place overall

Other tournaments we've played so far:

*Turkey Tournament (hosted by North Torrance) - 4th place overall

*Christmas Classic (hosted by West Torrance) - 3rd place overall (correction by Scooter)

*Hi-5 New Year's Day Tournament (hosted by Fountain Valley)

*Grape Stomp (hosted by Rancho Cucamonga) - 3rd place overall
4-2 win over Chino
2-2 with Culver City
2-3 loss to Ventura
3-1 win over South Torrance
2nd place in pool play

Upcoming tournaments:
*Cottontail Country Classic (hosted by Diamond Bar)
*Spring Fling (hosted by Walnut)
*Top Gun (hosted by Miramar)
*San Pedro Classic (hosted by San Pedro)

Posted by happyrainbow at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 5 May 2005 5:36 PM PDT
Saturday, 9 April 2005
Scooter's Going to Top Gun!!
more to come...

Posted by happyrainbow at 12:01 AM PDT
Friday, 1 April 2005
Three Funerals & No Wedding
Fluffy commented the other day, "Do you know that I've already been to three funerals and not one wedding? Why is that?"

Wow, that's really sad. I guess we're so old that no one's getting married and they're all starting to die off?

Posted by happyrainbow at 11:11 AM PST
Granny Vest
Lisa bought me a Liz Claiborne vest a long time ago. I never wore it because I never had anything to match it. It's knitted, with rows in various light, country-kitchen pastel colors. I finally wore it a few weeks ago with a plain white shirt and jeans. I asked Fluffy afterward if she thought it looked nice, and she said, "Well, it's okay..." And I asked what she really thought, and she said it was kind of grandma-like.

Sorry, Auntie Lisa, but I think it's going back in the closet for another 20 years.

Posted by happyrainbow at 11:08 AM PST
Go Scooter!
The jogathon was last week Friday. Fluffy asked Scooter if he heard her cheering for him when it was his grade's turn. That's so cute. They fight like crazy, but they still come out to support each other.

Posted by happyrainbow at 11:04 AM PST

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