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Wild Flower & Co.
Monday, 16 May 2005
Camp Whittle - The Last Camp
Somehow we managed to cram three moms and their daughters, sleeping bags, duffel bags and assorted junk into one Honda Odyssey, and haul it up to Big Bear for another Rainbow weekend at Camp Whittle. The ride was pleasant and didn't take too long. We arrived before dark, unloaded our junk and had dinner in "town" with Felice and Theresa from the Arapahos. That night in our cabin (which really was the deluxe lodge) we danced like maniacs to Lizzie McGuire. It was a blast.

We didn't do much the next day. Many of the activities were closed, due either to unsafe conditions or not enough support staff. All the girls climbed the rock wall. At first Fluffy didn't want to do it, but once she did it, she couldn't wait to do it again, and she scrambled up there so fast! I did it again this year, but I think I was a lot slower than last time. The guy holding the rope kept nudging me by pulling the rope to help me get up there. It was fun, but I think I need to get in better shape. I think the kids had fun doing our scavenger hunt. Only four teams participated, so we gave out pretty good prizes to each team.

Campfire was nice. We did a fun skit, recalling our Leo Carillo camping trip and The Amazing Race, and finished off with a naughty version of The Beaver Song. Everyone there transitioned to the new format, Adventure Guides, and the Cheyenne Nation is now known as South Bay Explorers. It was kind of sad, because the Indian Guides that our generation grew up with is gone, and also because the transition marked our graduation out of this level and onto the next one, which means that FLUFFY IS GROWING UP!

Overall, it was a great weekend. I'm glad that Fluffy and I get to do these things. I honestly don't remember doing a lot of fun things with my mom. I hope Fluffy feels loved, and that she will have good memories of her childhood.

Posted by happyrainbow at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Monday, 13 June 2005 4:51 PM PDT

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