I have YEARS’ worth of kids’ school papers. I hate to throw away anything they’ve done, even little crayon scribbles that Fluffy did when she was in preschool. Every piece is a work of art. Well, let’s see, eleven years’ worth of Scooter’s scribbles and school papers, tests, and homework and seven years’ worth of Fluffy’s add up to a lot of paper. It’s in piles all over the house. On top of that, our house is one huge dustbowl. I can’t figure out how everything gets so dusty when we hardly open any windows. Anyway, I finally gave in and started to throw out some stuff. Sob! It’s so hard to throw away all their hard work. Of course, they’re a little disappointed that I’m throwing away their work, but I think it’s even more traumatic for me to let it go.
I managed to get through part of one school year. This is going to be a very long process.
Posted by happyrainbow
at 12:01 AM PDT