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Wild Flower & Co.
Thursday, 2 February 2006
What is Kidney Pie?
Gina was home from the U.K. for a week, and I forgot to ask her what treacle tart, haggis, and kidney pie are (they eat a lot of that stuff in Harry Potter). Is kidney pie really made of kidneys? Which animal? Really, when you think about it, eating any part of a once-living animal is sick. If you slice off a piece of my thigh (there’s plenty there), bread it and fry it, would it taste like chicken? And why in the world do people eat organs like kidneys and livers? Why not just eat an oil filter from your car? In fact, if people ate cars, what would be considered the “good” part? The tires? Bumpers? Would the fan belt be a delicacy? Would people fight for the antenna or dip stick and snap it in half for good luck? What parts would be considered edible and what parts would be thrown away? Of course, if you’re Chinese, nothing would go to waste, and you’d eat every part, even the tailpipe.

Posted by happyrainbow at 10:35 AM PST

Saturday, 4 February 2006 - 10:58 PM PST

Name: Happy Star

OK, my dear...what have you been adding to your diet pepsi? Something is obviously making you loco...oh, what am I thinking, you're imagination is always like that. Tailpipes? fan belts?

Monday, 6 February 2006 - 11:39 AM PST

Name: Wild Flower

Are you kidding? I've been trying to wean myself off Pepsi over the last month or so. Must be withdrawal. Do you think NutraSweet-induced brain damage is reversible? Probably not.

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