I have this thing about movies. I tend to reject what the masses (and media) say is supposed to be good and usually anything with big name actors. So I purposely miss shows with Jennifer Lopez (which may be a wise decision), Tom Cruise (pre-90s stuff is okay), and all those little clone boys and girls I can't tell apart (Scarlett who? Matthew what?).
Since I have kids, I do have to go to the movies occasionally. I see things like "Freaky Friday" and "Herbie Reloaded."
You might have guessed that we don't have cable or a dish.
Needless to say, when the Oscars or Emmies or Grammies or whatever come along, I am clueless.
I saw "The Shawshank Redemption" one Saturday afternoon (when only losers are at home watching network TV). I had thought it was just about a bunch of guys in prison who revolt and kill each other. It was a pretty good movie after all. Did it win anything?
Posted by happyrainbow
at 2:32 PM PDT