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Wild Flower & Co.
Saturday, 1 July 2006

I was next door at the luggage company interviewing for a job.  It's a pretty funky environment.  The owner is Korean, and he has Buddhas and potted plants all over the place. 

Anyway, all of a sudden his employees came running through the halls screaming, "Fire," and heading for the side door.  I ran out of the building with them and we all gathered in the parking lot trying to see where the fire was.  The luggage company was fine, but the building next door was on fire!  The west side of the Pen Maker building, the side facing the parking lot and the luggage company, had flames shooting off the roof.  A bunch of factory workers were throwing little buckets of water at the fire.  Joe (the Japanese one) was on the shoulders of another little Asian guy, and people were passing buckets of water to him douse the fire on the roof.  It was obvious the little buckets were useless.  It was really freaky.

Was my subconscious trying to say something or what, with a dream like that!

Posted by happyrainbow at 9:03 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 20 September 2006 9:27 PM PDT

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