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Wild Flower & Co.
Friday, 17 February 2006
Smaller, Cheaper, Better...NOT

Did I ever mention that Pen Maker is moving?  The crappy building we're in has a brand new warehouse attached to it, and I guess that fetched a decent selling price.  So all the product in the warehouse was moved to another warehouse in Ontario, and the people get to move next door to another crappy building Pen Maker leases.

Personnel decreed that each person is allowed eight boxes to move everything.  These are eight SMALL boxes, something like 8" x 17" x 12".  I have eight years worth of work and documentation piled up in my office.  There is no way I can fit everything into eight boxes.  But there is a bright side.  Just recently, MF (those are his real initials, but you can subsitute words that may be more apropos) announced that we are all getting laid off this summer.  Suddenly, all those files that were oh, so crucial to my job aren't that important anymore.

We show up at the new (old) building next week Tuesday.  In the meantime, packing is fun!

Posted by happyrainbow at 5:00 PM PST
Updated: Wednesday, 20 September 2006 10:55 PM PDT

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