My kids always seem to have oh, so important things to ask/tell me whenever I'm in the bathroom. This morning, Fluffy was pounding on the door while I was finishing up brushing my teeth (shirtless and braless, so I don't dribble water and toothpaste down my clean clothes). I flung the door open and said, "YES!" But instead of Fluffy, it was Scooter - 13 year old, teenager Scooter. He recoiled in horror at the sight, and I grabbed a towel to cover my chest, and we both started cracking up (me more than him. he was half laughing, half moaning in emotional pain).
Which reminds me of the time my friend Melissa said she woke up with the stomach flu, and ran to the bathroom and barfed in the toilet. Then she realized her mom was sitting on the toilet.
They say a majority of accidents in the home happen in the bathroom. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
Posted by happyrainbow
at 7:46 PM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 26 February 2008 7:52 PM PST