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Wild Flower & Co.
Tuesday, 1 June 2004
Tiger Tournament - Memorial Day Weekend
Fluffy and the Sparklers played in a basketball tournament this weekend. The girls have come a long way since they started playing together last August. Some of them seem like naturals, while others have to put more thought and effort into it, but overall everyone has improved, and they seem to enjoy playing together.

We dragged ourselves over to Monterey Park early Saturday, Sunday and Monday mornings. On Monday, we found out that our team was working the shaved ice booth that day, and that there was an awards ceremony at 4:00 that afternoon. No big deal, we thought, we can stick around to help. It turned out to be really hot and a great day for shaved ice. We made around 500 shaved ices, and we even had to turn away customers when we ran out of ice. We were pooped by the time it was over, but we had a lot of fun, and we made a nice little profit to go into our gym rental fund.

Posted by happyrainbow at 9:59 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 9 June 2004 1:23 PM PDT

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