Another busy weekend for us Bunnies. On Thursday, Fluffy & I went to Lauren's house again to finish the scrapbook for Molly.
Friday, Scooter & I saw Harry Potter.
Saturday was busy, busy, busy. Fluffy, Scooter & I went to Thea's birthday party at our favorite place, Chuck E. Cheese. From there we went to the Rainbow Kiddie Cocktail party at Lauren's house and hung out for a few hours before we had to leave for Fluffy's softball team party and game. After that we went back to Lauren's house for a BBQ. Looking back, we left the house at 9:30 in the morning, and didn't come home until 11:30 that night. THAT was a long day!
On Sunday we went to the annual Cheyenne graduation / picnic / water war. We seem to get a smaller turnout each year. We had a great time, especially when it came time for the water war. I have a feeling I was the only mom running around and getting into the action. It's just a matter of time before my kids realize this and start getting embarrassed by it. Hee hee!
Posted by happyrainbow
at 12:01 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 9 June 2004 1:42 PM PDT