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Wild Flower & Co.
Tuesday, 22 June 2004
You're Not Really Married Until You Dance
Was dropping Scooter off at basketball camp this morning and ran into Renee from the Arapahos. Fluffy remarked, "That's not the same lady she was with before." So I had to explain that Renee has two moms. Fluffy didn't quite understand how that worked out, so I told her usually a man and a lady get married, but sometimes a man and another man want to get married, or a lady and another lady want to get married. And she said, "And they danced with each other?" And I said, "Yeah, if they want to." And she said, "I would be SO EMBARRASSED to dance with another lady!"

I think it's funny how both she and Scooter think you have to dance in order to be married. Maybe that dancing symbolizes something else you do on your wedding night.

Posted by happyrainbow at 9:06 AM PDT

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