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Wild Flower & Co.
Thursday, 29 July 2004
Granny Wild Flower
Technically, I'm old enough to be a grandmother. In theory, Fluffy could be my granddaughter instead of my daughter. So I told her to start calling me grandma once in a while just to see how people react.

So, anyway, I went to Trader Joe's recently to buy some wine and the cashier asked me for I.D. I told her, "Oh, you're kidding! You're really going to be surprised." She took a look at my license and started asking the other cashiers, "How old do you think she is? You'll never guess!" Then she told me that it's good to look younger so I can date guys ten or fifteen years younger, and they're way better than older guys. Hmmm...

Posted by happyrainbow at 12:01 AM PDT

Friday, 30 July 2004 - 3:49 PM PDT

Name: yam
Home Page: http://www.yambiguity.com

you got carded???? whoa, what a compliment!!! I bet the cashier was pretty young. oh, wait. seems like everyone is younger than us now. :(

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