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Wild Flower & Co.
Thursday, 21 October 2004
I (hate) Huckabees
So there's this new movie out, I (heart) Huckabees. Did I mention this before, how they asked us for free pens to use in the movie? And then they asked us for more free pens, because supposedly one of their lead actors is a klepto and kept taking the pens home. (Don't they have a budget for props?) And in return they promised to let the Marketing department visit the set since they were filming right around the corner at the vacant Epson building. And they also sort of hinted that they might let us come to the L.A. premiere. Of course, we were quite excited at the prospect of meeting Dustin Hoffman and Lily Tomlin.

Well, on the day we were supposed to visit the set, one of the actors (who shall not remain nameless, Jude Law) threw a hissy fit and refused to let us commoners come and disrupt his creative (Jude Law is an asshole) process. So they said they would maybe let us come back on another day when the prima donna (Jude Law is a little princess) wasn't there. They never did. And when our PR guy called his Huckabee contact to see if we could get into the movie, all phone lines were disconnected.

I (hate) Jude Law.

Posted by happyrainbow at 12:50 PM PDT

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