We had our last Rainbow Woods Valley camp this weekend. Even though I took a day of vacation, I got a late start and didn't get to the campgrounds until it was dark. They put our tribe way out in the farthest corner of the park. Really nice, putting moms and daughters way out there with the bears and coyotes, and worse, far away from the bathrooms. I was ready to leave the park and find a motel when the Hardgroves found us. We had dinner with them at Papa Bear's, and then we shared their tent since it was too dark to put up mine. The next day we set up my tent before everyone else arrived.
It was a pretty laid-back day. We set out food and snacked all day long. We held the nation craft activity (foam hats) in the morning, and in the afternoon we went to the Thunderbird area to make ice cream! Fluffy said it didn't taste that great. But it was still fun making it. In the late afternoon, we played bingo.
Our campfire turned out to be really nice. They didn't allow fires this year, so everyone lined up their Coleman lanterns and made a nice little stage. Our skit was a series of knock-knock jokes.
I have to say thank you again to the Hardgroves for prompting me to put everything away before we went to bed. I always like to live out of my car anyway, because I don't like my things getting dirty, and I don't like a lot of junk in my tent. But I'm also lazy about putting things away, and I like to leave out things I know we're going to use again. However, that night we put away just about everything. The only things I left out were one chair (to sit on to put on my shoes), my cooler, and the Coleman lantern (it was too hot to put away). The only things in the tent were the air mattress, two sleeping bags and one tote bag (and the inflatable potty).
Somewhere in the middle of the night, it started to rain, and it never stopped. I am so glad we had the potty, because there was no way I was taking Fluffy out in the rain to use the bathroom.
It rained and rained and rained. I didn't sleep at all, because I was so worried about the tent leaking. That's a pretty good tent! Even though my stakes came loose in the mud, and the tent kind of caved it around us when the wind blew, it never leaked.
I kept looking out my window to see if anyone was up. I heard roosters crowing. Finally, I heard someone from our tribe starting to load up their car, and that was my cue to get up. I carried Fluffy to the car, packed up the air mattress and sleeping bags, and asked the Hardgroves if they had any room for my other stuff. I rolled up the tarp and tent onto one huge bundle and they threw it in their truck with my cooler and soggy chair. That mud was so gross. Thank goodness I had extra towels and throwaway tablecloths to line the car.
I slid the car down the mud road, and went to eat breakfast with the Hardgroves. Instead of going to the pumpkin patch like we had planned, we went shopping at the Carlsbad outlets.
When we got home, we hosed down everything on the sidewalk. What a camping trip!
Posted by happyrainbow
at 12:01 AM PDT