When I picked up Fluffy at school today, she introduced me to her new friend Ashley, who "says the A-word and calls people 'Twerp.'" Nice.
Then we saw a former friend, Nikole, whom Fluffy absolutely adored last year, but this year, "She calls people 'asshole' and 'stupid' and 'twerp.' And she didn't think I was listening and she told Ally, 'Fluffy doesn't have any style!' What is she talking about! SHE doesn't have any style either!"
I could have said something like, "Well, sometimes people put other people down if they're jealous of them or feel insecure," or even worse, "You should probably feel sorry for her if she has to make herself feel better by saying things like that." Instead I said, "Well, what do you expect? Her mother was either drunk or stoned when she brought her to your birthday party."
Posted by happyrainbow
at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 13 October 2004 10:52 AM PDT